This saves your clients time, which they’ll appreciate in their busy day, and also keeps your per minute costs to a minimum. We also know how annoying it can be to wait on hold for an operator to pick up the phone. No one has time to sit around and wait for a service. At Call Center Pros, we over-schedule our staff to ensure the shortest pick-up times possible. If you have any questions or concerns about your plan at any time, our customer service operators are also well staffed, so you don’t have to wait for service either.
During live party verification, all calls are recorded and available for instant playback via the phone or the web. We also offer transcriptions, and detailed call center reporting. Verifications per hour, time on the phone, time to answer, and many other statistics help us and you stay on top of how the service is performing. You can take a look at the statistics any time on our easy-to-use dashboard. If you think something could be fixed or improved, we’ll work with you to make the change. Sometimes, even the smallest changes can have a big impact on the quality or success of a service, and we want to do whatever we can to make sure it’s working in the best way possible for you.
To connect your clients to an experienced, professional, and friendly live operator, visit our Plans & Prices page to find a plan that’s right for you.

For many businesses, especially those in sales, third party verification is crucial. Companies can lose sales due to non-verified third party calls, which can cause significant financial damage. But business expenses can add up quickly, and often business owners can get stuck having to skimp on important services to save money. Cutting back on customer service oriented expenses, like TPV, can result in bad service and unhappy clients. Unless you use Call Center Pros, that is. We know how important third party verification is for your business, and we want to provide you the best service in the industry, without pushing you over budget. That’s why we offer affordable tiered pricing, so any business of any size can benefit from our services. In addition, we don’t maintain monthly minimums or associated monthly fees, and we don’t charge for setup.